Shree Meghmani Parivar and Shree Bhailalbhai A. Patel (Detrojwala) Umiya Arts and Commerce College for Girls was established in the year 1998 by Shree Umiya KVC Education Trust which is one of the most reputed and recognized public trust in the State of Gujarat, providing employment oriented and value based education to young women.
At the outset, the Trust aims to provide top quality higher education to the girls belonging to the rural and semi-rural areas of Gujarat. We are proud to say that out of thirty-three (33) districts in Gujarat students from eighteen (18) districts i.e from 150 villages are studying in our College. Our institutional history is of only 22 years. In the survey conducted by India Today our College stood first (01st) among Colleges charging lowest tuition fees to students in India which is an outstanding achievement. At present, the College has acquired reputed position in the best 100 Colleges in India as survey by India Today for 7 consecutive years and among the top three in Ahmedabad city in Arts as well as Commerce Faculty.
Our College is working with a mission of empowering women and society. The faculty Members and administrative staff of Umiya is perfectly equipped to nurture, encourage and support students realize their potential and put wind under their wings. We have been constantly endeavoring to empower students to take on future challenges through emphasis on efficient teaching, discipline, inculcation of values and exposure of refinement. The College brings together a fine blend of resources like impressive infrastructure, excellent academic inputs, enriching cultural, sports , NSS ,NCC activities for personal growth of leadership qualities and team spirit.
The time that you spend in Umiya Campus will hone you to embark upon your journey confidently and soar ahead with an outstanding takeoff
I shower my affectionate greetings on you and assure that we all will support you to realize your potential and become valuable contributors to the society